
Thoughts in the car on the way home from suburbia.

  • Thank you Pascual Toso for creating a Malbec that is as sweet as angel pee. Not to mention the fantastic beautiful wine-buzz it gives you...
  • Clyde just drank his body weight in water. Awesome.
  • Why do people fancy living in the 'burbs? I have never spent more time in my car than I have this week. Who considers this convenient? Hi. They build 'downtown living' for a reason.
  • Um the movie Sex in the City - yah, finally watched it tonite. It's kinda really good, eh?
  • I'm excited about being really productive tomorrow. My fingers are crossed that it actually stays that way.
  • "Palin offered $2 million to appear in porn film" - best headline I've read all election.
  • It's my birthday on Monday. Woot!

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