

So I was sitting here, lounging in my couch, looking out the window and I got to thinking... wow.

- CTV came in for the kill and took the Hockey Night in Canada soundtrack from CBC. Stole it. Like mofos. Ok, maybe not but wow does this ever look horrible for a government funded corporation like the CBC. Now, the CBC is owned by the federal government. Did this whole thing really need to be the issue it became? The country outraged over the potential loss of an iconic tune? Oiy.

- I went for a walk tonite in search of an umbrella. I found an umbrella alright but it was $33 so I put it back on the shelf, bought a lighter (for lighting my candles, mom) and just as I walked outside, it started hailing and then pouring and then I was in the middle of a freakin' typhoon. I need to not be so cheap with some things.

- The plumber came today. Not only did he leave my window open, but he more than likely found my tickle trunk as he pushed my bed across the room, left the toilet seat up (Hi, I don't pee standing up) and went through my garbage. I have yet to see if the heat works. I'm afraid it will and I'll end up screwing something up and it will be smokin' hot in here tonite.

- I've got a hankering for a good book. If only Peter Mansbridge would come out with something...

- Things I need: dental floss, a vacuum, and some fresh flowers.

Time for bed. Someone has to be up at 4 to be at work for 5. *shudder* Makes me a little nauseous thinking about it. Big week. Big things going on.

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